
(Sep 11, 2008) Proceedings are electronically available here

(Jul 28, 2008) Prof Trillas's speech on the occasion of the Kampe de Feriét award is available here

(May 29, 2008) Visit to Málaga downtown on Friday afternoon confirmed !!!

(May 29, 2008) The talks by Prof Dorigo and Prof Ruspini have been swapped !!!

(May 27, 2008) EUSFLAT assembly at IPMU'08 announced !!!

(Apr 25, 2008) Final Schedule announced !!!

(Apr 16, 2008) No more rooms available at Hotel Amaragua !!!

(Apr 14, 2008) Preliminary schedule announced !!!

(Apr 3, 2008) More rooms available at Hotel Amaragua (first-come-first-served)

(Mar 10, 2008) Information on submission of final versions announced

(Mar 4, 2008) EUSFLAT grants for PhD students announced

(Feb 11, 2008) Registration form available

(Jan 15, 2008) Registration fees announced

(Dec 7, 2007) Deadline extended until Jan 2, 2008

(Nov 12, 2007) List of special sessions available

(Nov 9, 2007) Submissions webpage available

(Sep 26, 2007) Format of submissions of special sessions available

(Sep 7, 2007) Rooms available at Hotel Amaragua (prices, ...)
(Sep 7, 2007) Format of submissions available
