EUSFLAT assembly announced
The EUSFLAT board has decided to have a short general assembly on the occasion of IPMU 2008. The assembly will be held on Tuesday evening (19:00-20:00).
Final Programme
Sunday 22
17:00-20:00 Registration
Monday 23
08:30-09:30 Registration
09:30-10:00 Opening.
10:00-11:00 Invited talk: Computation with imprecise probabilities. Lotfi Zadeh
11:00-11:30 Coffee Break
11:30-13:30 Parallel Sessions: Reasoning, Decision I, Rules, Practical Aspects
13:30-15:00 Lunch
15:00-16:30 Parallel Sessions: Adaptive Information Processing, Conditioning-Indepence-Inference, Unified Theory of Uncertainty, Mathematical Fuzzy Logic
16:30-17:00 Coffee Break
17:00-18:30 Parallel Sessions: Adaptive Information Processing II, Conditioning-Independence-Inference II, Unified Theory of Uncertainty II, Mathematical Fuzzy Logic II
20:30- Welcome Cocktail
Tuesday 24
09:30-10:30 Invited talk: Objective Probability and Empirical Similarity. Itzhak Gilboa
10:30-11:00 Coffee Break
11:00-13:00 Parallel Sessions: Foundations, Decision II, Extended Logic Programming, Image Processing, Genetic Fuzzy Systems
13:00-15:00 Lunch
15:00-16:30 Parallel Sessions: Uncertainty in Image Processing, Intuitionisitc Fuzzy Sets, Multicriteria Decision Making, Measures and Integrals, Aggregation Functions
16:30-17:00 Coffee Break
17:00-18:30 Parallel Sessions: Uncertainty in Image Processing II, Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets II, Multicriteria Decision Making II, Measures and Integrals II.
Wednesday 25
09:30-10:30 Invited talk: Approximate Reasoning: a new look into basic concepts, ideas, and methods. Enrique Ruspini
10:30-11:00 Coffee Break
11:00-13:00 Parallel Sessions: Foundations II, Evidence, Applications, Economy, Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets III
13:00-15:00 Lunch
21:00- Gala Dinner
Thursday 26
09:30-10:30 Invited talk: The Swarm-bot: a swarm of self-assembling robots. Marco Dorigo
10:30-11:00 Coffee Break
11:00-13:00 Parallel Sessions: Fuzziness-Uncertainty-Vagueness, Evidence II, Applications II, Bio-Inspired Optimization, Aggregation Functions II
13:00-15:00 Lunch
15:00-16:30 Parallel Sessions: Aggregation Functions III, Intelligent Databases and Information Systems, Soft Approaches to the Web, Rough Sets and Granular Computing, Emotional Computing
16:30-17:00 Coffee Break
17:00-18:30 Parallel Sessions: Aggregation Functions IV, Intelligent Databases and Information Systems II, Soft Approaches to the Web II, Type-2 Fuzzy Logic
Friday 27
09:30-13:00 Invited talk: The language of gambles for imprecise probabilities. Serafín Moral
10:30-11:00 Coffee Break
11:00-13:00 Parallel Sessions: Fuzziness-Uncertainty-Vagueness II, Evidence III, Applications III, Uncertainty Machine Learning and Datamining, Qualitative Solutions
13:00-13:30 Closing
In the afternoon-evening. Visit to Málaga downtown.
- Reasoning (Monday, 11:30-13:30)
S. Destercke, D. Dubois, E. Chojnacki. Computing with generalized p-boxes: preliminary results.
A. Josang. Abductive Reasoning with Uncertainty.
V. Patrascu. A New Penta-valued Logic Based Knowledge Representation
M.K. Chakraborty, Soma Dutta. Axioms of Paraconsistency and Paraconsistent Consequence Relation.
D. Dubois. Degrees of truth, partial ignorance and contradiction.
- Decision 1 (Monday, 11:30-13:30)
N. Viswanath, R. Sunderraman. Defaults in Open World Relational Databases.
Jana Spirkova. Generalization of IGOWA operators.
J. Galindo, R. Carrasco, A. Mª Almagro. Fuzzy Quantifiers with and without Arguments for Databases: Definition, Implementation and Application to Fuzzy Dependencies.
Y. Yoshida. An Average Value-at-Risk Portfolio under Uncertainty.
Q. Ji, P. Haase, G. Qi. Combination of Similarity Measures in Ontology Matching by OWA Operator.
B. Llamazares, R. A. Marques Pereira. Generating simple, Pareto and absolute special majorities by means of mixture operators. - Rules (Monday, 11:30-13:30)
M. Delgado, M. Dolores Ruiz, D. Sánchez. Analyzing Exception Rules.
J. Albusac, J.J. Castro Sánchez, D. Vallejo-Fernandez. Learning maximal structure rules with pruning based on distances between fuzzy sets.
B. Quost, T. Denoeux, M.-H. Masson. Adapting a Combination Rule to Non-Independent Information Sources.
C. Fiot, F. Masseglia, A. Laurent, M. Teisseire. Gradual Trends in Fuzzy Sequential Patterns.
F. Boubekeur, M. Boughanem, L. Tamine-Lechani. Exploiting association rules and ontology for semantic document indexing.
H. Le Capitaine, C. Frélicot. A new fuzzy 3-rules pattern classifier with reject options based on aggregation of membership degrees. - Practical Aspects (Monday, 11:30-13:30)
J.M. Alonso, L. Magdalena, S. Guillaume. Designing Highly Interpretable Fuzzy Rule-Based Systems with Integration of Expert and Induced Knowledge.
C. Cano, S. Blanco, F. Garcia, A. Blanco. Max-variance Clustering and Biclustering of Microarray Data.
L. Mazlack. Using Imprecise Complexes To Computationally Recognize Causal Relations In Very Large Data Sets.
R. Laroche, B. Bouchon-Meunier, P. Bretier. Uncertainty Management in Dialogue Systems.
F. Matia, A. Jimenez, B. M. Al-Hadithi. An Affine Model with Decoupled Fuzzy Dynamics.
M. A. Gadeo, J. R. Velasco. Evolutionary temporal fuzzy control and fuzzy temporal rule- based control applied to adaptive distributed routing. - Adaptive Information Processing and Applications (Monday, 15:00-16:30)
G. Fouquier, J. Atif, I. Bloch., Incorporating a pre-attention mechanism in fuzzy attribute graph for sequential segmentation.
C. Zhang, Y. Zhou, T. Martin, A Validity Index for Fuzzy and Possibilistic C-means Algorithm.
M. Balas, V. Balas Smart Control for Passive Greenhouses.
P. Georgiev, A. Ralescu. Fuzzy skeletons and statistical learning theory.
- Adaptive Information Processing and Applications II (Monday, 17:00-18:30)
E. Montañes, I. Díaz, E. F. Combarro, J. Ranilla, Removing Redundancy from Relevant Features in Text Classification.
J. Feng, Y. Zhou, T. Martin, Sentence Similarity based on Relevance.
A. Hashimoto, N. Mori, T. Funatomi, Y. Yamakata, K. Kakusho, M. Minoh, Smart Kitchen: User-centric Cooking Support System.
Z. Moore, A. Inoue, Effectiveness of Value Granulation in Machine Learning for Massively Large and Complex Domain.
M. Minoh, K. Kakusho, N. Babaguchi, T. Ajisaka Sensing Web Pro ject - How to handle privacy information in sensor data.
- Conditioning, Indepence and Inference (Monday, 15:00-16:30)
R. Scozzafava. Quantum probability: conditioning and inference.
V. Biazzo, A. Gilio, G. Sanfilippo. Generalized coherence and connection property of imprecise conditional previsions.
A. Capotorti, G. Regoli. Coherent correction of inconsistent conditional probability assessments.
M. Baioletti, G. Busanello, B. Vantaggi. Algorithms for the closure of graphoid structures.
- Conditioning, Indepence and Inference II (Monday, 17:00-18:30)
R. Jirousek. Persegrams of Compositional Models Revisited: conditional independence.
J. Vejnarová. Conditional Independence in Evidence Theory.
B. Ben Yaghlane. A Comparison of Architectures for Exact Inference in Evidential Networks.
G. Busanello, G. Coletti, B. Vantaggi. Independence for decomposable information measures.
- Towards a unified theory of uncertainty (Monday, 15:00-16:30)
V. Balas, M. Balas Assisting the drivers by means of the constant time to collision criterion.
H. Inoue, Z. Yang. On Risk-shifting Incentive Problem Based on Option Approach.
X. Li, D. Ralescu. Credibility measure of fuzzy sets and applications.
R. Liang, J. Zhang, J. Gao. Fuzzy term structure equations. - Towards a unified theory of uncertainty II (Monday, 17:00-18:30)
M. López-Díaz, L. Rodríguez-Muñiz. Some remarks on the single-stage decision problem with fuzzy utilities.
A. Rame.r Non-existence of universal conditional objects.
Y. Yu, J. Gao. Credibilistic equilibria in extensive games with fuzzy payoffs. - Mathematical fuzzy logic (Monday, 15:00-16:30)
S. Aguzzoli, B. Gerla, V. Marra. Embeding Gödel propositional logic into Prior's tense logic.
T. Flaminio, F. Montagna. Integral representation for divisible SMVDelta algebras.
F. Bobillo, U. Straccia. On quantified cardinality restrictions in fuzzy description logics under Lukasiewicz semantics.
M. Navara, M. Petrík. Two methods of reconstruction of generators of continuous t-norms.
I. Perfilieva. Contraction and Dilatation operators in a semilinear space over residuated lattice.
- Mathematical fuzzy logic II (Monday, 17:00-18:30)
E. Marchioni. On algebras based on representable uninorms.
T. Flaminio, F. Montagna. SMV-algebras and Kripke models: comparing the semantics.
V. Novák. Principal fuzzy type theories for fuzzy logics in broader sense.
F. Bou, F. Esteva, J.M. Font, A. Gil, L. Godo, A. Torrens, V. Verdú. T-norms based logics preserving degrees of truth.
F. Bou. A first approach to the Deduction-Detachment Theorem in logics preserving degrees of truth. - Foundations I (Tuesday, 11:00-13:00)
S. Ovchinnikov. Cubical transition systems.
R. Belohlavek. Discovery of factors in binary data via novel methods of matrix decomposition.
E. Miranda. Coherent updating on finite spaces.
S. Bodjanova, Martin Kalina. Cardinalities of granules of vague data.
E.F. Combarro , P Miranda. On the polytope of fuzzy measures.
L. Garrido, T. Brezmes. Fuzzy envelope of a probability distribution. - Decision II (Tuesday, 11:00-13:00)
D. Vivona, M. Divari. Aggregation operators for conditional information without probability.
S. Ohnishi, T. Yamanoi, H. Imai. A weights representation for fuzzy constraint-based AHP.
S. Skrbic, A. Takaci. On Development of Fuzzy Relational Database Applications.
W. Ogryczak. WOWA Enhancement of the Reference Point Method.
J.M. Doña, O.P. Quintana, M.E. Valesani, O.A. Vallejos. Analysis of Aggregation Methods in Incomplete Database Systems.
R.R. Yager. Aggregating non-independent Dempster-Shafer belief Structures. - Fuzzy or similarity-based LP and related (Tuesday, 11:00-13:00)
P.J. Morcillo, G. Moreno. Using FLOPER for Running/Debugging Fuzzy Logic Programs.
P. Julián-Iranzo. A procedure for the construction of a similarity relation.
T. Alsinet, C. Chesñevar, Ll. Godo. Computation of skeptical outputs in P-DeLP satisfying Indirect Consistency: a level-based approach.
P. Julián-Iranzo, G. Moreno, J. Medina, M. Ojeda-Aciego. Combining Tabulation and Thresholding Techniques for Executing Multi-Adjoint Logic Programs.
J. Janssen, M. De Cock, D. Vermeir. Fuzzy Argumentation Frameworks. - Image Processing (Tuesday, 11:00-13:00)
O. Nempont, J. Atif, E. Angelini, I. Bloch. Fuzzy attribute openings based on a new fuzzy connectivity class. Application to structural recognition in images.
T. Pham. Fuzzy Bio-Image Segmentation with Spatial Covariance.
G. Palma, I. Bloch, S. Muller. Fuzzy connected filters for fuzzy gray scale images.
J. Moreno-García, L. Rodríguez-Benítez, J.J. Castro-Sánchez, L. Jiménez. Fuzzy logic to track objects from MPEG video sequences. - Genetic fuzzy systems: Learning with MOEAs and tackling high dimensional problems (Tuesday, 11:00-13:00)
M.J. Gacto, R. Alcalá, F. Herrera. An Improved Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm for Tuning Linguistic Fuzzy System.
G. Sánchez, J.F. Sánchez, J.M. Alcaraz, F. Jiménez. Linguistic Approximation of TSK Fuzzy Models with Multi-objective Neuro-Evolutionary Algorithms.
Y. Nojima, H. Ishibuchi. Computational Efficiency of Parallel Distributed Genetic Fuzzy Rule Selection for Large Data Sets.
A. Botta, P. Ducange, B. Lazzerini, F. Marcelloni. A multi-objective cooperative coevolutionary approach to Mamdani fuzzy system generation.
M.D. Pérez-Godoy, J.J. Aguilera, F.J. Berlanga, V. Rivas, A.J. Rivera. A preliminary study of the effect of feature selection in evolutionary RBFN design.
L Sánchez, J.R, Villar, I. Couso. Genetic Feature Selection for Fuzzy Discretized Data. - Management and Representation of Uncertainty within Image Processing Algorithms (Tuesday 15:00-16:30)
I. Perfilieva, V. Pavliska, M. Vajgl, B. De Baets. Advanced Image Compression on the Basis of Fuzzy Transforms.
P. Brox, I. Baturone, S. Sánchez-Solano. A motion and edge adaptive interlaced-to-progressive conversion using fuzzy logic-based systems.
M. Grau-Sánchez, P. Sobrevilla, E. Montseny. Structure Texture Detection through Fuzzy Texture Spectrum.
P.M. Goebel, M. Vincze, B. Favre-Bulle. Grammatical Inference by n-gram Modeling of Convex Groups:Representation of Visual Random Polytopes.
- Management and Representation of Uncertainty within Image Processing Algorithms II (Tuesday 17:00-18:30)
B. Prados-Suárez, J. Chamorro-Martínez, D. Sánchez. Automatic selection of relevant levels in a hierarchy of fuzzy segmentations.
T. Mélange, M. Nachtegael, E.E. Kerre. A Vector Based Fuzzy Filter for Colour Image Sequences.
V. Patrascu. Multi-valued Color Representation Based on Frank t-norm Properties.
A. Tristán, S. Aja-Fernández. Fuzzy regularization of deformation fields for elastic image registration. - Theory and Applications of Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets (Tuesday 15:00-16:30)
S. Cubillo, E. Castiñeira, C. Torres-Blanc. Measuring contradiction regarding a negation on AIFS.
M. Baczynski. On the distributivity of implication operations over t-representable t-norms generated from strict t-norms in Atanassov's intuitionistic fuzzy set theory.
E. Szmidt, J. Kacprycz. Ranking alternatives expressed via Atanassov's intuitionistic fuzzy sets.
P. Couto, M. Pagola, H. Bustince, E. Barrenechea, P. Melo-Pinto. Image segmentation using A-IFSs.
K. Cunderlíková. Convergence of P-observables.
- Theory and Applications of Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets II (Tuesday, 17:00-18:30)
P. Chountas, E. Rogova, K. Atanassov. H-IFS: Modelling and querying over hierarchical universes.
B Riecan. General form of M-probabilities on IF-events.
G. Deschrijver. Triangular norms which are meet-morphisms in Atanassov's intuitionistic fuzzy set theory.
L. Lasová. Probability on pseudo-MV-algebras.
A. Michalíková. A measure extension theorem in l-groups. - Theory and Applications of Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets III (Wed, 11:00-13:00)
M. Rencová. General form of strongly additive phi-probability.
Z. Pei. Semantics Properties of Association Rules Based on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Special Sets.
P. Drygas The problem of distributivity between binary operations in bifuzzy set theory.
M. Durica. Malicky-Riecan entropy on IF-dynamical systems.
- Research Challenges in Multi Criteria Decision Making (Tue 15:00-16:30)
P. Bonissone. Research Issues in Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM): The Impact of Uncertainty in Solution Evaluation.
L. Sánchez, A. Palacios, M. R. Suárez, I. Couso. Graphical exploratory analysis of vague data in the early diagnosis of dyslexia.
J. Montero, D. Gómez, S. Muñoz. Fuzzy information representation for decision aiding.
R. Felix. Multicriterial Decision Making (MCDM): Management of Aggregation Complexity Through Fuzzy Interactions Between Goals or Criteria.
- Research Challenges in Multi Criteria Decision Making II (Tue 17:00-18:30)
R.R. Yager Lexicographically Prioritized Multicriteria Decisions Using Scoring Functions.
M. J. Gacto, R. Alcalá, F. Herrera. Multi-Objective Genetic Fuzzy Systems: On the Necessity of Including Expert Knowledge in the MOEA Design Process.
M. Chica, O. Cordón, S. Damas, J. Bautista, J. Pereira. A Multiobjective Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for the 1/3 Variant of the Time and Space Assembly Line Balancing Problem. - Measures and integrals (Tuesday 15:00-16:30)
F. Lange, M. Grabisch. Games on distributive lattices and the Shapley interaction transform.
E.P. Klement, R. Mesiar, E. Pap. A universal Integral Independent of Measurable Spaces and Function Spaces.
C. Labreuche. Identification of a fuzzy measure with a L1 entropy.
R. Mesiar, K. Ahmad, A. Mesiarová-Zemánková, Comonotone maxitivity and extended Sugeno integral.
- Measures and integrals II (Tuesday 17:00-18:30)
A Takaci, A Perovic, A. Jovanovic. Measuring uncertanty with priority based logic.
T. Zikic-Dosenovic. Fixed point theorems for contractive mappings in Menger probabilistic metric spaces.
D. Vivona, I. Stajner-Papuga. Pseudo-linear superposition principle for the Monge-Ampère equation based on generated pseudo operations with three parameters.
B. Mayag, M. Grabisch, C. Labreuche. A characterization of the 2-additive Choquet integral. - Mathematical Foundations II (Wednesday, 11:00-13:00)
D. Hlinená, M. Kalina, P. Král'. Choquet integral and its modifications.
R. Belohlavek, M. Krupka. Central points and approximation in residuated lattices.
K. Pancerz. Extensions of Dynamic Information Systems in State Prediction Problems: the First Study.
S. Díaz, S. Montes, B. De Baets. A comparative study of T-interval orders, T-Ferrers and T-biorders.
P. Grzegorzewski. New Algorithms for Trapezoidal Approximation of Fuzzy Numbers Preserving the Expected Interval. - Evidence 1 (Wednesday, 11:00-13:00)
J. Schubert. Conflict Management in Dempster-Shafer Theory by Sequential Discounting Using the Degree of Falsity.
D. Mercier, T. Denoeux, M.H. Masson. A parametrized family of belief functions correction mechanisms.
F. Pichon, T. Denoeux. A new singular property of the unnormalized Dempster's rule among uninorm-based combination rules.
V. Ricquebourg, M. Delafosse, B. Marhic, L. Delahoche, A.M. Jolly-Desodt, D. Menga. Sensor Failure Detection within the TBM Framework: A Markov Chain Approach.
A. Josang. Cumulative and Averaging Unfusion of Beliefs.
F. Delmotte, D. Gacquer. Detection of defective sources with belief functions. - Applications 1 (Wednesday, 11:00-13:00)
S. Kempe, R. Kruse. Mining Temporal Patterns in an Automotive Environment.
T. Pais, R. Ribeiro, Y. Devouassoux, S. Reynaud. Dynamic ranking algorithm for landing site selection.
T. Yamanoi, H. Toyoshima, S. Ohnishi, T. Yamazaki, M. Sugeno, E. Sanchez. Discrimination of mental translation by EEG: An equivalent current dipole source localization approach.
O. Okun, H. Priisalu. Lowering Uncertainty of Cancer Classiffication.
J. Kacprzyk, A. Wilbik. An extended, specificity based approach to linguistic summarization of time series.
H. Soubaras. Risk Prediction in a Space-Time Markov Model applied to Propagating Contamination. - Economy-related (Wednesday, 11:00-13:00)
O. Hryniewicz, Z. Nahorski. Verification of Kyoto Protocol - a fuzzy approach.
E. Vizuete Luciano, A.M. Gil Lafuente. Clan theory and its application in the selection of financial products.
M.L. Guerra, L. Sorini, L. Stefanini. Fuzzy Investment Decision Making.
C.-H Wang, C.-T. Ting. Evaluating High-Tech Firm Performance using Hierarchical Balanced Scorecard and Fuzzy Schemes.
A. Morillas , L. Robles, B. Diaz. Fuzzy Graph associated to a Leontief's I-O matrix.
C.-B. Cheng, Y.-R. Syau, R.-T. Tzeng. Solving a seal-bid reverse auction by fuzzy multiple objective programming. - Fuzziness, uncertainty, vagueness I (Thursday, 11:00-13:00)
P. Eklund, M. A. Galán, J. Kortelainen. On fuzzy successors.
M. Viviani, R. Ghiselli Ricci. Asymptotically Idempotent Aggregation Operators for Trust Management in Multi-agent Systems.
P. Grzegorzewski. A bi-robust test for vague data.
H. Prade. Responsibility Judgments: Steps towards a formalization.
D. Sánchez, M. Delgado, M.-A. Vila. A Restriction Level Approach to the Representation of Imprecise Properties.
C. Bertoluzza, V. Doldi, J. Jiménez, S. Montes. Non-adaptability measures with the branching property. - Evidence II (Thursday, 11:00-13:00)
W. Guezguez, N. Ben Amor. Possibilistic Influence Diagrams Using Information Fusion.
X. An, N. Cercone. Hybrid MSBNs.
B. Ben Yaghlane, W. Trabelsi. BeliefNet Tool: An Evidential Network Toolbox for Matlab.
B. Ben Yaghlane, A. Hamissi. Belief Integration Approach of Uncertain XML Documents.
A. Holland, M. Fathi, M. Neubach, M. Abramovici. Competing Fusion for Bayesian Applications.
H. Soubaras. On evidential Markov chains. - Applications 2 (Thursday, 11:00-13:00)
A. Grichnik, M. Taylor, C. Nikolopoulos, J. Mason. Resolving Public Expert Model Disagreement in Medical Risk Stratification.
G. Russ, R. Kruse, M. Schneider, P. Wagner. Optimizing Wheat Yield Prediction Using Different Topologies of Neural Networks.
N. Homem, J.P. Carvalho. Optimizing a Fraud Detection Process.
A. Haddi, M. Ramdani, M. Bellafkih. The suitable learning path for a learner.
M. Miyake, H. Inoue. Note on Weighted Average Strike Asian Options.
P. Bermejo, J.A. Gámez, J.M. Puerta, R. Uribe Paredes. Improving KNN-based e-mail classiffication into folders generating class-balanced datasets.
- Bio-inspired optimization (Thursday, 11:00-13:00)
A. Rotshtein, H. Rakytyanska. Inverse Problem Solving based on IF-THEN Rules and Genetic Algorithms.
J.A. Fernández, J.R. Velasco. Adaptive Genetic Algorithm control parameter optimization to verify the network protocol performance.
T. Munakata, M. Aono, M. Hara. Amoeba-Based Fuzzy Computing for Uncertain Knowledge Processing.
D. Gacquer, S. Piechowiak, F. Delmotte, V. Delcroix. A genetic approach for training diverse classiffier ensembles.
J.C. Ervin, S. Alptekin. Techniques for Developing Large Scale Fuzzy Logic Systems.
L. Gacogne, S. Sandri. A study on ant colony systems with fuzzy pheromone dispersion. - Aggregation functions I (Tuesday 15:00-16:30)
D. Ruiz-Aguilera, J. Torrens, B. De Baets, J. Fodor On idempotent discrete uninorms.
M. Mas, M. Monserrat, J. Torrens. On the law of importation for some kinds of fuzzy implications derived from uninorms.
F. Chiclana, S. Alonso, E. Herrera-Viedma, F. Herrera. Tackling incomparability of fuzzy preferences using self dual uninorms.
M. Baczynski, B. Jayaram. On the distributivity of fuzzy implications over representable uninorms.
- Aggregation functions II (Thursday, 11:00-13:00)
J. Martín, G. Mayor, J. Monreal. Additive generation of some classes of finitely-valued t-conorms.
J. Recasens, L. Garmendia. Approximating Proximities by Similarities.
G. Deschrijver. Additive generators in interval-valued fuzzy set theory.
S. Kaci, H. Prade. Constraints associated with Choquet integrals and other aggregation-free ranking devices.
- Aggregation functions III (Thursday, 15:00-16:30)
A. Kolesárová. Unipolar parametric evaluation of aggregation functions.
S. Jullien, G. Mauris, L. Valet, P. Bolon, S. Teyssier. Identification of Choquet's integral parameters based on relative entropy and applied to classiffication of tomographical images.
S.-M. Zhou, F. Chiclana, R. John, J. Garibaldi. On Properties of Type-1 OWA Operators in aggregating uncertain information for soft decision making.
S. Mendis, T. Gedeon. Aggregation Selection for Hierarchical Fuzzy Signatures: A Comparison of Hierarchical OWA and WRAO.
- Aggregation functions IV (Thursday, 17:00-18:30)
J. Nin, V. Torra. Modeling Projections in Microaggregation.
M. Sabo. Relevancy Transformation Operators and Aggregation Functions in Fuzzy Inference Process.
J. Dujmovic, J.W. Ralph, L.J. Dorfman. Evaluation of Disease Severity and Patient Disability Using the LSP Method.
P. Drygas. On the structure of uninorms on L*. - Rough Sets and Granular Computing (Thursday, 15:00-16:30)
A.K. Mahanta, H.S. Nguyen. Mining Interesting Periodicities of Temporal Patterns.
S. Tsumoto, S. Hirano. Contingency Matrix Theory: Investigation of Information Granules in Statistics.
P. Delimata, M. Moshkov, A. Skowron, Z. Suraj. Lazy Classiffication Algorithms Based on Deterministic and Inhibitory Rules.
S. Hirano, S. Tsumoto. Granularity in Temporal Data Mining.
L. Polkowski, P. Artiemjew. Classiffiers based on granular structures from rough inclusions. - Intelligent Databases and Information Systems I (Thursday, 15:00-16:30)
G. Bordogna, G. Psaila. Modeling Soft Conditions with Unequal Importance in Fuzzy Databases based on the Vector p-norm.
A. Bronselaer, A. Hallez, G. De Tre. Evaluation in the Possibilistic Framework for Object Matching.
D. Li, A. Laurent, P. Poncelet. Discovering Fuzzy Unexpected Sequences with Beliefs.
C.D. Barranco, J.R. Campaña, J.M. Medina. A B+-tree Based Indexing Technique for Necessity Measured Flexible Conditions on Fuzzy Numerical Data.
- Intelligent Databases and Information Systems II (Thursday, 17:00-18:30)
C. Lauth, E. Menasalvas. Emerging User Intentions: Matching User Queries with Topic Evolution in News Text Streams.
M. Boughanem, H. Prade, O. Bouidghaghen. Extracting topics in texts: Towards a fuzzy logic approach.
D. Kucuk, N.B. Ozgur, A. Yazici, M. Koyuncu. A Fuzzy Conceptual Model for Multimedia Data with Application to News Video Domain.
K. Nowacka, S. Zadrozny, J. Kacprzyk. A new fuzzy logic based information retrieval model. - Soft approaches to information access on the Web I (Thursday, 15:00-16:30)
S. Calegari, E. Sanchez. A Query Refinement to Concept-based Information Retrieval.
A. Carretero, F.P. Romero, J.A. Olivas. A Representation Model based onWordnet Meanings for Internet Search.
S. Guadarrama, M. Garrido. Concept-Analyzer: A tool for analyzing fuzzy concepts.
J.M. Moreno J.M. Cadenas, S. Alonso, E. Herrera-Viedma. An Evaluation Methodology of Quality for Health Web Sites based on Fuzzy Linguistic Modelling.
- Soft approaches to information access on the Web II (Thursday, 17:00-18:30)
C. Puente, J.A. Olivas. Analysis, detection and classiffication of certain conditional sentences in text documents.
M.A. Sicilia, E. García-Barriocanal, N. Korfiatis. Using Imperfect Information in Online Social Systems: Applications and Measures of Betweenness.
A. Zafra, S. Ventura. Modelling User Preferences with Multi-Instance Genetic Programming. - Emotional computing (Thursday, 15:00-16:30)
F. Nel, M. Damez, N. Labroche, M.-J. Lesot. Automated video games evaluation based on the template formalism.
A. Mamdani, J. Pitt, A. Vasalou, A. Bhusate- Emotional Computing and the Open Agent Society.
G. Trivino, A. van der Heide. Linguistic summarization of the human activity using skin conductivity and accelerometors.
L. Devillers, L. Vidrascu. Real-life emotions detection on Human-Human spoken dialogs.
J.-F. Billot, C. Tijus, E. Hamilton, M. Bromberg. How emotion affects computing a simple task: a psychological study. - Type-2 Fuzzy Logic (Thursday, 17:00-18:30)
S. Coupland, R. John. Geometric Logical Operations for Type-2 Fuzzy Sets.
S. Greenfield, R. John. Stratification in the Type-Reduced Set and the Generalised Karnik- Mendel Iterative Procedure.
A. Celikyilmaz, I. Burhan Turksen. A Type-2 Fuzzy C-Regression Method. - Fuzziness, uncertainty, vagueness II (Friday, 11:00-13:00)
L. Bortolussi, A. Sgarro, L.P. Dinu. Measures of fuzzy disarray in linguistic typology.
I. Jenhani, Z. Elouedi, S. Benferhat. Properties Analysis of Inconsistency-based Possibilistic Similarity Measures.
A. Bisserier, R. Boukezzoula, S. Galichet. Linear Fuzzy Regression Using Trapezoidal Fuzzy Intervals.
P. Bosc, A. Hadjali, O. Pivert. Graded Tolerant Inclusion and its Axiomatization.
F. Rügheimer, R. Kruse. An Uncertainty Representation for Set-Valued Attributes with Hierarchical Domains.
C. Sossai. An introduction to the category of chance. - Evidence III (Friday, 11:00-13:00)
Minh Ha-Duong. A hierarchical fusion of expert opinion in the TBM.
K.-S. Hwang, S.-B. Cho. Modular Bayesian Network for Uncertainty Handling on Mobile Device.
F. Fayad, V. Cherfaoui. Detection and Recognition confidences update in a multi-sensor pedestrian tracking system.
M. Daniel. Contribution of DSm Approach to the Belief Function Theory.
J.M. Merigó, M. Casanovas. Uncertain Decision Making with Dempster-Shafer Theory. - Applications III (Friday, 11:00-13:00)
M. Costin, O. Baltag, S. Bejinariu, M. Zbancioc. Microwave Imagistic and Data Processing Software for Early Breast Cancer Detection.
B. Ulutas, A. Islier. Alternative Layout Procedures for Multi Period Production Environments.
J. Montmain, S. Sahraoui. How to improve the overall industrial performance in a multi-criteria context.
P. Bermejo, J. Gámez, J.M. Puerta. On incremental wrapper-based attribute selection: experimental analysis of the relevance criteria.
P. Eklund. Non-classical logic for elderly care management. - Uncertainty in machine learning and data mining (Friday, 11:00-13:00)
P. KordJamshidi, B. De Baets, G. De Tre. Prototype-based classification by fuzzification of cases.
C. Moewes, R. Kruse. Unification of Fuzzy SVMs and Rule Extraction Methods through imprecise Domain Knowledge.
J Hühn, E Hüllermeier. FR3: A Fuzzy Rule Learner for Inducing Reliable Classifiers.
C. Molina, D. Sánchez, J.M. Serrano, M.A. Vila. On Some New Types of Fuzzy Dependencies.
M.A.B. Tobji, B. Ben Yaghlane, K. Mellouli. A New Algorithm for Mining Frequent Itemsets from Evidential Databases.
L. Stefanini. A Differential Evolution Algorithm for computing the Fuzzy Variance. - On qualitative solutions (Friday, 11:00-13:00)
P. Bonissone, J.M. Cadenas, M.C. Garrido, R.A. Díaz-Valladares. A Fuzzy Random Forest: Fundamental for Design and Construction.
C. Cruz, D.A. Pelta, J.L. Verdegay. A fuzzy-set based strategy in dynamic environments.
J.M. Cadenas, M.C. Garrido, E. Muñoz. Construction of a Cooperative Metaheuristic system based on Data Mining and Soft-Computing: Methodological issues.
M.J. Canós, C. Ivorra, V. Liern. Heuristics for solving investment problems in a fuzzy environment.
E. Cables, M.S. García-Cascales, M.T. Lamata. Relation between OWA operator and the SMARTER method.
J. Brito, C. Campos, J.P. Castro, F.J. Martínez, B. Melián, J.A. Moreno, J.M. Moreno. Fuzzy Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows.