Modelling and synthesis of logical designs: from formalization to applications

Proyecto CICYT TIC97-0579-C02-02


Computational logic, formal methods and artificial intelligence in general, have developed tecniques with important potential for industrial and business modelling. However, due to the insuficient attention given to the pragmatics of these techniques, there is still a large gap between the conceptualization of a problem and its modelization by an executable specification.

Our project wants to contribute to bridge this gap. Its general aim is to develop and implement a formal specification system based on a set of those techniques which are made ready to use for non-specialists in computer science.

The goal is to allow rapid development and evaluation of prototypes, thus diminishing the pressure to get a first version of a model. On the one hand, we propose a system of collaborative specification which divides the task in a structured way, allowing the various participants to contribute via tools which are reasonably familiar to them but which have clear interfaces to the tools of others. On the other hand, having computational logic as our point of anchorage. we propose a deduction mechanism allowing to reason on specific temporal contexts and with incomplete information. This allow in its turn thye update in real time of Knowledge Bases, which is needed in most real application.

We have experience in both aspects above, which are confluent on the applications. The whole project has been designed having in mind the physiognomy of the Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía.