Prototype-based classification by fuzzification of cases

Parisa KordJamshidi, Bernard De Baets, Guy De Tre.

A fuzzy prototype-based method is introduced for learning from examples. A special kind of prototype vector with fuzzy attributes is derived for each class from aggregating fuzzified cases for the purpose of concept description. The fuzzified cases are derived by defining a fuzzy membership function for each attribute of the sample cases. In a first method, for the classification of a new case, the membership degrees of its crisp attributes to fuzzy aggregated prototypes are measured. In a second method, after fuzzifying the new case, fuzzy set comparison methods are applied for measuring the similarity. The methods are compared to case-based ones like POSSIBL and kNN using UCI machine learning repository. We also make comparisons by using various transformation methods from probabilities to possibilities instead of defining membership functions.

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