[1] C.V. Dam·sio, J. Medina, and M. Ojeda-Aciego. A termination theorem for sorted multi-adjoint logic programming. In 12th Spanish Congress on Fuzzy Logic and Technology, 2004. To appear.
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[2] J. Medina and M. Ojeda-Aciego. Extended homogenization for multi-adjoint logic programs. In 12th Spanish Congress on Fuzzy Logic and Technology, 2004. To appear.
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[3] J. Medina and M. Ojeda-Aciego. Multi-adjoint logic programming. In Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty, IPMU'04, pages 823-828, 2004. Invited talk of special session on Logic Programming with Imperfect Information.
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[4] C.V. Dam·sio, J. Medina, and M. Ojeda-Aciego. Termination results for sorted multi-adjoint logic programs. In Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty, IPMU'04, pages 1879-1886, 2004.
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[5] P. Cordero, M. Enciso, A. Mora, and I. P. de Guzm·n. A/D CASE: a new heart for FD3. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 807-811. ICEIS 2004, 2004.
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[6] J. Medina, M. Ojeda-Aciego, and P. Vojt·s. Towards biresiduated multi-adjoint logic programming. In Spanish Conference on Artificial Intelligence, pages 245-254, 2003. Selected to appear in LNAI issue.
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[7] A. Burrieza and M. Ojeda-Aciego. A multimodal logic approach to order of magnitude qualitative reasoning. In Spanish Conference on Artificial Intelligence, pages 431-440, 2003. Selected to appear in LNAI issue.
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[8] A. Mora, M. Enciso, P. Cordero, and I. P.de Guzm·n. The functional dependence implication problem: optimality and minimality. an efficient preprocessing transformation based on the substitution paradigm. In Spanish Conference on Artificial Intelligence, volume I, pages 255-264, 2003. Selected to appear in LNAI issue.
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[9] D. Pearce and A. Valverde. Uniform equivalence for equilibrium logic and logic programs. In Proc. 7th Int. Conf. on Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning, pages 194-206. Springer, 2004.
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[10] D. Pearce and A. Valverde. Some types of equivalence for logic programs and equilibrium logic. In Proc. of International Joint Conference on Declarative Programming, APPIA-GULP-PRODE 2003, pages 350-361. Universit· degli Studi di Reggio Calabria, 2003.
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[11] J. Medina, E. MČrida-Casermeiro, and M. Ojeda-Aciego. A neural approach to extended logic programs. In 7th Intl Work Conference on Artificial and Natural Neural Networks, IWANN'03, pages 654-661. Springer, 2003.
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[12] G. Aguilera, I.P. de Guzm·n, I. Fortes, D. Macannuco, J. F. Morones, and S. S·nchez. Reescritura en una lŪgica proposicional probabilĢstica signada. Una aplicaciŪn a modo de ejemplo. In Proc. of Spanish Congress on Artificial Intelligence, CAEPIA'03, pages 275-278, 2003.
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[13] C.V. Dam·sio and M. Ojeda-Aciego. On termination of a tabulation procedure for residuated logic programming. In 6th Intl Workshop on Termination, WST'03, pages 40-43, 2003.
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[14] J. Medina, E. MČrida-Casermeiro, and M. Ojeda-Aciego. A neural approach to diagnosis based on extended logic programming. In 8th Conf. Engineering Applications of Neural Networks, EANN'03, 2003.
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[15] J. Medina and M. Ojeda-Aciego. Homogenizing multi-adjoint logic programs. In Intl Conference on Fuzzy Logic and Technology, pages 640-644, 2003.
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[16] G. Aguilera, I.P. de Guzm·n, and F. RodrĢguez. LŪgica de reescritura para la b™squeda de un camino de peso mĢnimo en un grafo. Una implementaciŪn en maude. In III Encuentro Andaluz de Matem·tica Discreta, 2003.
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[17] F. RodrĢguez, P. Cordero, and I. P.de Guzm·n. Operadores de cierre y razonamiento autom·tico. In Actas del III Encuentro Andaluz de Matem·tica Discreta, pages 83-86, 2003.
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[18] S. Krajci, R. Lencses, J. Medina, M. Ojeda-Aciego, A. Valverde, and P. Vojt·s. Non-commutativity and expressive deductive logic databases. In Logics in Artificial Intelligence, JELIA'02, pages 149-160. Lect. Notes in Artificial Intelligence 2424, 2002.
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[19] S. Krajci, R. Lencses, J. Medina, M. Ojeda-Aciego, and P. Vojt·s. A similarity-based unification model for flexible querying. In Flexible querying and answering systems, FQAS'02, pages 263-273. Springer, 2002.
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[20] P. Cordero, M. Enciso, I.P. de Guzm·n, and A. Mora. Slfd logic: Elimination of data redundancy in knowledge representation. In Iberamia 2002, ISSN: 0302-9743, ISBN: 3-540-00131, pages 141-150. Springer, 2002.
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[21] J. Medina, E. MČrida-Casermeiro, and M. Ojeda-Aciego. A neural approach to abductive multi-adjoint reasoning. In AI - Methodologies, Systems, Applications. AIMSA'02. Springer, 2002. 213-222.
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[22] I.P. de Guzm·n, M. Ojeda-Aciego, and A. Valverde. Restricted Δ-trees in multiple-valued logics. In AI - Methodologies, Systems, Applications. AIMSA'02, pages 223-232. Springer, 2002.
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[23] I.P. de Guzm·n, M. Ojeda-Aciego, and A. Valverde. Restricted Δ-trees and reduction theorems in multiple-valued logics. In Advances in Artificial Intelligence, IBERAMIA'02, pages 161-171. Springer, 2002.
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[24] A. Burrieza and I. P. de Guzm·n. A temporal x modal approach to the definability of properties of functions. In Frontiers of Combining Systems, FROCOS'02, pages 239-254. Springer, 2002.
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[25] A. Burrieza, I. P. de Guzm·n, and E. Mu noz. Indexed flows in temporal×modal logic with functional semantics. In 9th International Symposium on Temporal Representation and Reasoning, TIME-2002, pages 146-150. IEEE Computer Society, 2002.
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[26] J. MartĢnez, G. GutiČrrez, I. P. de Guzm·n, and P. Cordero. Restricted ideals and the groupability property. In Proceedings of the 2002 Conference on Computational and Mathematical Methods on Science and Engineering. Vol III., Septiembre 2002.
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[27] J. MartĢnez, G. GutiČrrez, I. P. de Guzm·n, and P. Cordero. Ideals and filters in multisemilattices and lattices. In TARRAT2001(CAEPIA-TTIA), Septiembre 2002.
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[28] P. Cordero, M. Enciso, I.P. de Guzm·n, and A. Mora. Modelo de datos de dependencias funcionales para un entorno turĢstico cooperativo. In IV Congreso Nacional Turismo y TecnologĢas de la InformaciŪn y las Comunicaciones - TURITEC 2002, pages 61-76, 2002.
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[29] M. Enciso and A. Mora. Fd3: A functional dependencies data dictionary. In Proceedings of the Fourth Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - 2, pages 807-811. ICEIS 2002, 2002.
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[30] J. MartĢnez, G. GutiČrrez, I. P. de Guzm·n, and P. Cordero. Agrupabilidad. generalizando la inducciŪn a operadores noŻdeterministas. In RSME2002. Modelos matem·ticos para la ComputaciŪn y la Sociedad de la InformaciŪn, Enero 2002.
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[31] F. RodrĢguez-S·nchez, I. P. de Guzm·n, and P. Cordero. Un marco algebraico para el razonamiento con modelos. In RSME2002. Modelos matem·ticos para la ComputaciŪn y la Sociedad de la InformaciŪn, Enero 2002.
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[32] J. MartĢnez, G. GutiČrrez, I. P. de Guzm·n, and P. Cordero. Algebraic structures with non-deterministic operators. In Algebra Conference, Venezia 2002, June 2002.
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[33] J. Medina and M. Ojeda Aciego. A new approach to completeness for multi-adjoint logic programming. In 9th Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems Conference, IPMU 2002, 2002.
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[34] P. Eklund, M.A. Gal·n, J. Medina, M. Ojeda Aciego, and A. Valverde. A framework for unification using powersets of terms. In 9th Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems Conference, IPMU 2002, 2002.
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[35] J. Medina, E. MČrida-Casermeiro, and M. Ojeda-Aciego. Multi-adjoint logic programming: a neural net approach. In Logic Programming. ICLP'02, page 468. Springer, 2002.
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[36] P. Eklund and M. Ojeda-Aciego, editors. Unification in non-classical logics, volume 66.5. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, 2002.
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[37] J. Medina, M. Ojeda-Aciego, and P. Vojt·s. A procedural semantics for multi-adjoint logic programming. In Progress in Artificial Intelligence, EPIA'01, pages 290-297. Springer, 2001.
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[38] J. Medina, M. Ojeda-Aciego, and P. Vojt·s. A multi-adjoint logic approach to abductive reasoning. In Logic Programming, ICLP'01, pages 269-283. Springer, 2001.
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[39] J. Medina, M. Ojeda-Aciego, and P. Vojt·s. Multi-adjoint logic programming with continuous semantics. In Proc. Logic Programming and Non-Monotonic Reasoning, LPNMR'01, pages 351-364. Springer, 2001.
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[40] J. MartĢnez, G. GutiČrrez, I. P. de Guzm·n, and P. Cordero. Multilattices via multisemilattices. In 2nd Multiconference on Applied and Theoretical Mathematics. Algebra and Opertors Theory, December 2001.
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[41] P. Eklund, M.A. Gal·n, J. Medina, M.. Ojeda-Aciego, and A. Valverde. Composing submonads. In Proc. 31st IEEE Intl. Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic, pages 367-372. IEEE-CS, 2001.
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[42] J. MartĢnez, G. GutiČrrez, I. P. de Guzm·n, and P. Cordero. Implicados e implicantes unitarios en lŪgicas temporales. In TARRAT2001(CAEPIA-TTIA), Noviembre 2001.
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[43] J. Medina, M. Ojeda-Aciego, and P. Vojt·s. A completeness theorem for multi-adjoint logic programming. In Proc. FUZZ-IEEE'01. The 10th IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, IEEE Press, 2001.
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[44] P. Eklund, M. A. Gal·n, M. Ojeda-Aciego, and A. Valverde. Set functors and generalised terms. In Proc. of IPMU 2000, volume III of Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-based Systems, pages 1595-1599, 2000.
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[45] P. Eklund, M. A. Gal·n, J. Medina, M. Ojeda-Aciego, and A. Valverde. Generalised terms and composition of monads. In Proc. of ESTYLF 2000, Spanish Congress on Fuzzy Logic and Technology, pages 155-160, 2000.
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[46] G. GutiČrrez, I. P. de Guzm·n, J. MartĢ nez, , M. Ojeda-Aciego, and A. Valverde. Reduction theorems for Boolean formulas using Δ-trees. In Proc. of JELIA 2000, pages 179-192, 2000.
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[47] David Pearce, Inma P. de Guzm·n, and A. Valverde. A tableau calculus for equilibrium entailment. In Automated Reasoning with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods, TABLEAUX 2000. Springer-Verlag, 2000.
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[48] David Pearce, Inma P. de Guzm·n, and A. Valverde. Computing equilibrium models using signed formulas. In Proc. 1st Intl Conf on Computational Logic, CL'2000, pages 688-702, 2000.
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[49] P. Eklund, M. ”ngeles Gal·n, J. Medina, M. Ojeda Aciego, and A. Valverde. A graphical approach to monad compositions. In Proceedings of MFCSIT 2000, Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science and Information Technology, 2000.
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[50] G. GutiČrrez, I. P. de Guzm·n, J. MartĢ nez, M. Ojeda-Aciego, and A. Valverde. Representing Boolean formulas by using trees of implicants and implicates. In Proc. of CSI 2000, 2000.
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[51] P. Cordero, M. Enciso, and I. P. de Guzm·n. ω-·lgebras y retĢculos parciales. Congreso de la R.S.M.E. 2000 (Minisimposio Matem·tica, LŪgica, DeducciŪn Autom·tica) Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Madrid, 27, 28 y 29 de Enero), 2000.
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[52] I. P. de Guzm·n, M. Ojeda-Aciego, and A. Valverde. Multiple-valued tableaux with Δ-reductions. In Proc. of the Intl. Conf. on Artificial Intelligence, ICAI'99, pages 177-183. C.S.R.E.A., 1999.
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[53] M. Enciso, A. Mora, C. Rossi, and J.M. FrĢas. Logic modeling of cooperative database systems. In Information Resources Management Association - IRMA99. IDEA Group Publishing. Managing Information Technology Resources in Organizations in the Next Millenium ISBN 1-878289-51-9 Editor: Mehdi Khosrowpour. Hershey, Pennsylvania, 1999.
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[54] M. Enciso, A. Mora, C. Rossi, and J.M. FrĢas. Sistema de autocontrol lŪgico y comprobaciŪn de incidencias. In III Jornadas de Transferencia TecnolŪgica de Inteligencia Artificial - TTIA'99. Murcia, EspaŅa, 1999.
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[55] A. Mora, J.M.FrĢas, I.P.de Guzm·n, J.AgustĢ, and J.A.Reyes. ModelizaciŪn lŪgica de sistemas en la industria c·rnica. In Logics in Artificial Intelligence, JELIA'02. Congreso de IA-CCIA'99. Gerona, EspaŅa., 1999.
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[56] P. Cordero, M. Enciso, and I. P. de Guzm·n. Mejora en la eficiencia de la demostraciŪn autom·tica de teoremas en lŪgica temporal usando implicantes e implicados. CAEPIA-TITIA'99(TARRAT99). Murcia (Noviembre de1999), 1999.
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[57] P. Cordero, M. Enciso, and I. P. de Guzm·n. Structure theorems for closed sets of implicates/implicants in temporal logic. In Proc. of EPIA'99. Springer, 1999.
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[58] I. P. de Guzm·n, M. Ojeda-Aciego, and A. Valverde. Implicates and reduction techniques for temporal logics. In Proc. of JELIA'98, pages 309-323. Springer, 1998.
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[59] G. Aguilera, I. P. de Guzm·n, and M. Ojeda-Aciego. Dp-distributions: a new efficiency strategy for the tas reduction method. In Proceedings of Logic Colloquium'97, 1997.
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[60] G. Aguilera, I. P. de Guzm·n, and M. Ojeda-Aciego. Model building in 3-valued logic using the tas reduction paradigm. In Proceedings of the IJCAI'97 workshop on Model-based Automated Reasoning, 1997.
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[61] M. Ojeda-Aciego, I. P. de Guzm·n, and M. Enciso. Theorem proving for temporal logic using the tas paradigm. In Proceedings of Iberamia'96, Cholula (Mexico), 1996.
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[62] I. P. de Guzm·n, M. Enciso, and C. Rossi. Just one approach for several temporal logics in computing: the topological semantics. In Proceedings of the TIME'95 Workshop, FLAIRS, Melbourne, Florida (USA), April 1995.
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[63] I. P. de Guzm·n and M. Enciso. A new and complete theorem prover for temporal logic. In Proceedings of the IJCAI Workshop on Executable Temporal Logics, Montreal (Canada), August 1995.
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[64] G. Aguilera, I. P. de Guzm·n, and M. Ojeda-Aciego. A new general approach to ATPs. In Proceedings of KI-15, Workshop on Computational Propositional Logic, Bielefeld (Germany), September 1995.
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[65] I. P. de Guzm·n and M. Ojeda-Aciego. The GIMAC project. In Proceedings of COST action 15: Many-valued Logics for Computer Science Applications, Lyon (Francia), dic 1995.
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[66] G. Aguilera, I. P. de Guzm·n, and M. Ojeda-Aciego. Automated model building via syntactic trees transformations. In Proc. of Cade'94 workshop on Automated Model Building, pages 4-10, June 1994.
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[67] G. Aguilera, I. P. de Guzm·n, and M. Ojeda-Aciego. TAS-D++ syntactic trees transformations for automated theorem proving. In Proc. of Jelia'94, pages 198-216. Springer, 1994.
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[68] G. Aguilera, I. P. de Guzm·n, JosČ L. Gal·n, and M. Ojeda-Aciego. TAS-D++ vs tablas sem·nticas. In GULP-PRODE '94 Joint Conference on Declarative Programming, Valencia, September 1994.
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[69] G. Aguilera, I. P. de Guzm·n, JosČ L. Gal·n, and M. Ojeda-Aciego. Using TAS-D++ for inferences. In Proceedings of Iberamia'94, pages 44-59, Caracas (Venezuela), October 1994.
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[70] G. Aguilera, I. P. de Guzm·n, and M. Ojeda-Aciego. Un algoritmo eficiente y paralelo para la transformaciŪn a forma normal conjuntiva. In ProgramaciŪn Declarativa, pages 275-290, Blanes (Spain), September 1993.
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